The Panther Puzzle - Chapter 01 Part 02

 The stream, which all residents of the region nicknamed Lajeado, reflected, as if it were a mirror, the lunar rays; something that caused a beautiful visual effect in its fast water
and noisy. With his eyes fixed on the water, John exclaimed:

--- I hooked another one!

With quick and skillful movements, he collected the line. The victim of the time, a goldfish, was trying to free himself from the hook. But after a few seconds, he was taken out of the water. His tormentor smiled.

--- Yeah, my friend, I totally hooked you!

In the hands, I felt the wet and viscous scales.

--- Well, we have enough fish... Let’s join

Louis? -- said Francis.

The other smiled saying:

--- You don’t have to say it twice, partner.

--- So, what are we waiting for? --- Francis hurried to mention going to the place where Louis was.

When they then moved away from the banks of the Milky Way and began to penetrate the bush, which partially covered them, they heard a cry from the camp. For a moment, they were perplexed. Then they rushed there. But when they came to the place, they were startled.
Before them, lying on the ground, about two meters from the fire, Louis could be seen, or rather, what was left of him. For he was disfigured! There was blood everywhere too.

----What happened, John? --asked Francis, with wide eyes reflecting fear. Very pale and sweating cold, he turned his body at the same time casting an inquisitive look at the shadows of the surrounding trees. John, in turn, pulled a long, sharp dagger from his waist. Without looking at his terrified friend, he said:

--- I don’t know... but something killed our poor friend... and it’s lurking in the woods watching us.

--- So, let’s get out of here! -- exclaimed Francis, making mention of going to the horse site.

But... something unusual occurred: a loud sound rose in the night echoing and making itself heard hundreds of meters from the point where it had left. The horses, who were already agitated and nervous, became hysterical. Their eyes widened, their nostrils swollen; they whimpered lifting their front paws: they sensed a threat!

John, at a glance, glimpsed something moving behind the trees. He held his companion’s arm:

--- I saw something in the woods!

Still paralyzed with fear by the sound he had heard the instant ago; trembling, the other said to the half-voice:

--- João, I’m not enjoying this... What are we going to do?

--- We have no other way out. We have to reach the horses --- he replied.

Thus, striving to overcome fear, they began again to walk towards the horses. Skirting some trees, they arrived at the place of the animals, which showed to be more calm.

--- Let’s go, John; now! --- cried Francis riding one of the horses.

John glanced one last look sideways. Then he thrust the dagger into the scabbard and mounted his horse. But when they were already going out in a swift gallop, he heard a cry behind him. He stopped the horse immediately. He turned and...

But... something unusual occurred: a loud sound rose in the night echoing and making itself heard hundreds of meters from the point where it had left. The horses, who were already agitated and nervous, became hysterical. Their eyes widened, their nostrils swollen; they whimpered lifting their front paws: they sensed a threat! John, at a glance, glimpsed something moving behind the trees. He held his companion’s arm: --- I saw something in the woods! Still paralyzed with fear by the sound he had heard the instant ago; trembling, the other said to the half-voice: --- João, I’m not enjoying this... What are we going to do? --- We have no other way out. We have to reach the horses --- he replied. Thus, striving to overcome fear, they began again to walk towards the horses. Skirting some trees, they arrived at the place of the animals, which showed to be more calm. --- Let’s go, John; now! --- cried Francis riding one of the horses. John glanced one last look sideways. Then he thrust the dagger into the scabbard and mounted his horse. But when they were already going out in a swift gallop, he heard a cry behind him. He stopped the horse immediately. He turned and...

The story will continue in part 03


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