The Panther Puzzle - Chapter 01 Part 01


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The full moon shone majestically in the sky. Converging its light rays to the Lajeado Valley, stunning region located in the North of Brazil, lightened it evenly. It was a Friday night of September 1970. The night landscape, besides being fascinating, had a touch of magic and mystery. Sitting on the rocky shore of a stream, three boys fished quietly. Casting the hook into the swiftly eruelderly water, one of them remarked looking at his companion beside:

 --- Did you know, John, that Peter is having an affair with thewife of ?

The other looked at him with a disapproving expression:

--- Watch your mouth, Francis!

Realizing the surprise of his companions, he laughed:

--- I only spoke... because I saw, João.

--- Is it?... And what did you see?...

--- Remember that party last week?

--- Sure, we went together.

--- It was very late --- began to explain. -- Me and agirl we went there to the sides of the corral. I  intended, of course, to give"make out" with her. So, I accidentally took Pedro and the Mary in the act under a tree.

--- Yeah, she was always a bitch --- commented the third of

group. He was the youngest: his name was Louis. He had, at most, seventeen years. -- It’s too hot for Raymond, so Peter decided to give a strength. After all, they are very friends --- concluded mischievously.

High above, the moon continued impassive and serene to shine mysteriously in the night. Meanwhile, hid a terrible

secret, and would be "witness" to something hideous that would happen those three young people.

Darefree, they continued to talk amid the stunning night landscape.

--- Luis, will you prepare the fire?

--- You can leave it with me, Francis --- replied, ready to perform the task.

--- Enjoy and take the fish I prepared to bake --- asked John.

--- Turning, he walked towards the camp improvised, which was next to some trees, where they had

left his horses. After about thirty steps, Louis reached the desired location. And minutes later, it was heated near the fire that he had prepared himself.

But if you were aware of the imminent danger surrounding you At that moment, I would flee from there as soon as possible.

As he roasted the fish and waited for his friends, something practically invisible in the sinister shadows of vegetation adjacent observed him. And, moving sneakily between the surrounding trees, approached the boy. He, meanwhile, oblivious to the danger that lurked in the bush, watched the fish who would eat more soon in the company of his friends. At the same time , the other two talked on the edge of the stream. Never could imagine that this would be the last night of their lives. The example of Louis, both were also very young. Fishing, in lit nights like that, it was a habit and a pleasure of course, going to the parties that took place in Lajeado Valleyo.

(Soon will be published new excerpt of the book. Wait!)


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