Review - The Enigma of the Pyramid


The Enigma of the Pyramid Riddle is a 1985 film directed by Barry Levinson and produced by Steven Spielberg, which tells a fictional adventure of the youth of Sherlock Holmes and his friend John Watson. The film is a tribute to the creator of the famous detective, Arthur Conan Doyle, and also a mixture of elements of the various adaptations that the character has had over the years.

The film begins with the arrival of Watson (Alan Cox) to the school where Holmes (Nicholas Rowe) studies. Soon, the two become friends and engage in a mystery involving an Egyptian sect, mysterious murders and a secret pyramid. Holmes uses his intelligence and observation skills to uncover clues and face danger, enlisting the help of Watson, the beautiful Elizabeth (Sophie Ward) and the eccentric professor Waxflatter (Nigel Stock).

The Pyramid Puzzle is a fun and captivating movie that mixes suspense, adventure, humor and romance. The script by Chris Columbus is well written and developed, creating an original and interesting story that respects the essence of the character of Conan Doyle, but also adds new elements and references. Levinson’s direction is agile and dynamic, creating well-executed action and tension scenes, as well as moments of emotion and comedy. The photography is beautiful and captures the atmosphere of Victorian England, with its scenery and costumes. The montage is stunning and uses innovative special effects for the era, such as the famous murder cookie scene, which was the first time a fully computer-generated character was used in a film.

The cast is young and talented, and can convey the personality and chemistry of the characters. Nicholas Rowe is a great Sherlock Holmes, showing his intelligence, his charm, his arrogance and his vulnerability. Alan Cox is a sympathetic and loyal Watson, who serves as the viewer’s point of view and also as comic relief. Sophie Ward is a charming and brave Elizabeth, who becomes Ho’s love interest


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